
Notre répertoire de rapports sur les soins aux malades en phase critiques, de conseils, de trousses d’outils, de formulaires et de matériel pédagogique.


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Dans le prolongement du Plan ontarien des soins aux malades en phase critique (2018-2021), les priorités actualisées du système correspondent aux cinq piliers prioritaires du plan 2018-21. Ces priorités, qui reflètent les besoins et les possibilités définis lors du processus de consultation auprès des parties prenantes et des dirigeants du système, guideront le travail de SMPCO en collaboration avec les partenaires du système.


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​In June and July of 2019 CCSO conducted a 1-Measure Burnout Survey of front-line critical care staff in Ontario.  Hospital corporations had to « opt in » for their hospitals’ critical care units to participate; determining which critical care units and staff were invited to participate in the survey.  The survey was conducted with the intention to expand knowledge of burnout within critical care throughout the province and to provide a foundation for improvement efforts and strategies.  This report summarizes the results of the survey across the province in front-line critical care staff.


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The 2019 Critical Care Workforce Profile Provincial Report provides analytics on the critical care nursing workforce and to a lesser degree on allied health professionals working in the Ontario Critical Care System. The report includes comprehensive critical care nurse demographics, workforce utilization, and recruitment and retention indicators with data from the 2017/18 year.  The 2019 Critical Care Workforce Profile Report is the 7th edition of a provincial survey across its 246 adult, paediatric and neonatal critical care units.  As CCSO’s mandate has been expanded to oversee the neonatal intensive care units in October 2017, new to the 7th edition of the Critical Care Workforce Profile is reporting on neonatal intensive care workforce in the province. 


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This presentation was delivered by Barbara Klassen (Hamilton Health Sciences) and Alanna Keenan (The Ottawa Hospital) at the Trauma Association of Canada Annual Conference on April 11, 2015. It contains a detailed comparison of the experiences of the two pilot Regional Trauma Networks (RTNs) in Ontario: the Central South RTN and the Champlain RTN.


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