Leveraging expertise from critical care stakeholders.
Building connections between interdisciplinary and cross-functional health care providers has enabled improved transitions throughout a patient’s continuum of care. Through the long-standing partnerships CCSO has helped to create and nurture, a knowledge sharing infrastructure that underpins the delivery of safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable care.
Our committees include representation from all levels of the healthcare system, from front-line healthcare providers to senior administrators. The committee governance structure ensures broad representation and collaboration and that these perspectives are integrated in decision-making.
Advisory Committees
CCSO coordinates and convenes provincial advisory committees that are generally comprised of clinical leaders, senior administrators from both community hospitals and academic health centres, local and regional networks, the Ministry of Health, and other system partners including medical transport providers and program related councils and associations.
Many CCSO program areas follow a two-tiered governance structure, including a provincial advisory committee and two associated sub-committees, Performance Management and System Capacity and Capabilities. Additional time-limited task forces and reference groups are created to address specific issues, as needed.
Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Partners Meeting
Applying a system lens, this committee focuses on the needs of the critical care system across Ontario. It brings together adult critical care regional representatives from organizations across the province along with Ontario Health system leaders. The Adult ICU Partners Meeting serves a strategic advisory role and provides operational oversight within Ontario’s provincial critical care system. Its purpose is to ensure a coordinated, efficient, and responsive critical care system that meets the needs of patients and families across the province.
The Ontario Critical Care Workforce Advisory Committee
Identifying and addressing system level issues pertaining to critical care health human resources (HHR) within Ontario, this group focuses on HHR priorities relating to recruitment and retention, including, training, wellness, models of care, practice standards and other processes that enable the critical care workforce. Comprised of Hospital CNEs representing the 5 Ontario Regions, with a focus on inter-professional teams and critical care directors ensuring representation from adult, paediatrics, community, and academic centres.
The Ontario Neonatal Intensive Care Advisory Committee
Advising the development of a provincial patient and family-centred, integrated, inclusive and sustainable neonatal critical care system. Included in this work is the establishment of performance indicators to ensure system capacity and accountability for quality care of critically ill infants and their families across the province.
Learn more about CCSO’s work in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Paediatric Critical Care Advisory Committee
Identifying and planning solutions to address the needs of paediatric patients who require critical care services across the province. The Committee works to establish quality benchmarks and a culture of ongoing accountability and performance measurement. The Committee considers all aspects related to the paediatric critical care patient journey through the continuum of care.
Ontario Trauma Advisory Committee
Providing advice to ensure the continued advancement of an effective, integrated and sustainable trauma system. This Committee has been integral to the development of strategies for Lead Trauma Hospital performance and capacity management, as well as for establishing Regional Trauma Networks to drive trauma system quality and integration forward.
Provincial Neurosurgery Advisory Committee
Providing advice for the continued development and sustainability of a patient-centred, integrated, inclusive and sustainable provincial neurosurgery system in Ontario. The committee is actively engaged in monitoring and maintaining system performance through performance measurement and reporting, ongoing assessment of system capabilities and capacity, and engagement in system process improvement projects.