2016 CCSO LHIN Town Hall Meetings across 14 LHINs

The theme of the CCSO 2016 Town Hall Meetings was: Leadership and Accountability for Quality and Safety in Critical Care.
The 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meetings focused on the Life or Limb Policy – 2-years post implementation, hospital/LHIN Repatriation rates and activities, and the Critical Care Quality Framework as well Local Leadership and Accountability for Quality and Safety in Critical Care.
CCSO Town Hall Meetings are part of the communication, education and engagement strategy for the Provincial Life or Limb Policy and critical care priorities. These meetings are used as a forum to engage health care partners, elicit feedback, and develop strategies for policy implementation.
Various health system partners in Ontario, including Critical Care LHIN Leaders, LHIN CEOs, hospital clinical and administrative leaders, Critical Care Nursing Leaders, CritiCall Ontario, emergency department and transport providers participate in a robust exchange of information on a range of Critical Care related topics, which may be taken back to their organizations for adoption or adaptation.
Life or Limb Policy
The 2016 Town Hall discussion of the Provincial Life or Limb Policy showcased Ontario’s improving performance in the facilitation of Life or Limb consultations. The presentation highlighted a need to focus on root causes of the gap between declared and confirmed Life or Limb cases in neurosurgery. Evaluation results from the first year of implementation were also presented.
CCSO showcased provincial and LHIN-level analysis of performance in Repatriation from a number of perspectives at the 2016 Town Hall Meetings. This in-depth analysis examined Repatriation on weekends versus weekdays, by specialty, and across LHINs. The presentation also looked at cancellation of repatriation requests. In particular, CCSO highlighted opportunities for improvement and drew attention to the work of South West and Champlain LHINs, who had the strongest Repatriation performance in the province.
Critical Care Quality Framework Implementation
The 2016 Town Hall meeting also marked the debut of CCSO’s Critical Care Quality Framework Implementation, a movement towards achieving the goal of translating innovation and quality approaches to critical care delivery in the province.
Local Leadership and Accountability for Quality and Safety in Critical Care
CCSO was fortunate to have Drs. Randy Wax and Jennifer Everson present on their experiences in leading and engaging health system partners at the LHIN level.
Local LHIN Presentations
Each LHIN provided a system update on the activities of their LHIN Critical Care Networks (LCCNs). It was a fantastic opportunity for both CCSO and the LHINs to learn from each other and provided a refreshing perspective on the provincial agenda.
CCSO would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2016 Town Hall Meetings.
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – Toronto Central, Central and Central East LHINs, October 20, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – Champlain LHIN, October 19, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – South West LHIN, October 18, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – Central West & Mississauga Halton LHINs, October 6, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN, October 5, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – North East LHIN, October 4, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – WW and HNHB LHINs – September 23, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – North West LHIN, September 20, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – Erie St. Clair LHIN, September 8, 2016
- 2016 CCSO Town Hall Meeting – South East LHIN September 7, 2016
September 7, 2016