2018 CCSO Annual Quality Conference

2018 CCSO Annual Quality Conference

Critical Care Services Ontario (CCSO) hosted the Annual Quality Conference in Toronto on Thursday, March 8, 2018. The focus of the conference was Patients and Families as Partners in Critical Care. We brought together Critical Care Clinicians (Physicians, Nurses, and Interprofessional Team Members), ICU Managers and Directors, as well as Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Leaders.

The conference objectives were:

  1. To describe the importance of partnering with patients and families to optimize patient and family-centered critical care 
  2. To identify approaches to elevate patient involvement in critical care through co-design and other partnership mechanisms
  3. To describe strategies that would enhance the uptake for “patients and families as partners in critical care”

The program for the day included a line-up of local and international speakers with inspiring insights on tools and mechanisms to enhance patient and family involvement in critical care units as well as the wider system.

Speaker’s Presentations:

The the materials of each speaker can be reviewed in the links below.


March 8, 2018


Toronto, ON

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